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Creating clear and accessible data visualisations

Main messages

This page is based upon a range of sources from across government and beyond. For a reading list, please see the sources section towards the bottom of this page.

How to use this guidance

Good accessibility brings benefits to all users, improving the quality and value of our statistics, and the trust users have in us.

This guidance is intended as a practical handbook for creating charts and charts. It condenses the most relevant government resources on data visualisation together with our own experience of producing analytical outputs. While the information on this page is by no means comprehensive, we hope that it provides a useful overview of best practices and how to implement them.

R code to produce a minimal reproducible example is available under each chart. They were made using a standard ggplot2 theme which can be found inside the expandable section below. If you have any questions about our R resources or need any assistance using them, don’t hesitate to email us at and we’ll be happy to help in any way that we can!

Choosing the right chart

Charts are particularly effective when used to highlight key points in a publication. You should choose the type of chart based on the type of data and the trend you are trying to show.

This section gives some specific recommendations for presenting categorical data or time series data in an accessible way.

Categorical data

Bar charts work well for comparing different categories.

When making a bar chart, consider whether there is a logical ordering to the bars that groups similar categories together. For example, you could order age groups from lowest to highest or place bars to adjacent geochartical regions next to each other. If there is no logical ordering, it is often most helpful to present bars in order of size.

Stacked or clustered bar charts can be used to display two different categorical variables in one chart. However, each individual stack or cluster should usually contain no more than four categories as a rule of thumb, to avoid clutter. This is especially the case for stacked bar charts, as a larger number of categories makes comparisons between bars much more difficult. If you have a large number of categories, it is usually best to split your data into several bar charts. The section “how to reduce clutter in charts” contains examples of ways to break down charts that contain too many categories, including reformatting them as small multiples charts.

It is best practice when making clustered bar charts to leave a small gap between each bar in a cluster to help users distinguish more easily between bars. A wider gap should be left between clusters, again to help users easily distinguish different clusters.

❌ To be avoided: no space within clusters

Example 1: Percentage of positive tests for three disease strains at five testing centres in England, 2024

A clustered bar chart with no gap between the bars within a cluster

✔️ Best practice: applying spacing to clustered bar charts

Example 2: Percentage of positive tests for three disease strains at five testing centres in England, 2024

A clustered bar chart that contains a small gap between bars within a cluster, and a bigger gap between clusters

Time series data

Line charts are most often used to show time series data. They work well for showing how multiple variables change over a period of time.

If you are only showing one time series variable, a bar chart can also be used. However, stacked and clustered bar charts should not be used for displaying multiple time series variables as they make comparisons difficult.

Below, the stacked bar chart on the left makes non-adjacent categories in the same bar difficult to compare: here, the “All” and “Male” categories appear the same size in many of the bars. Furthermore, it is difficult to see how categories other than the bottom one change over time. Changes in the “Male” bar are clearly displayed, but trends in the other two categories are harder to identify at a glance. (Note that stacking totals on top of individual categories is also not good practice here.) Where there is only one category, a bar chart is easy to read, as can be seen on the right.

❌ To be avoided: showing multiple categories in time series data with stacked bar charts

Example 3: Annual unemployment rates by gender, UK, 2008 to 2024

A stacked bar chart being used to show trends over time

✔️ Best practice: using bar charts or line charts for time series data only when there is one category

Example 4: Annual unemployment rates for all genders, UK, 2008 to 2024

A single-category being used to show a trend over time

Below, the clustered bar chart on the left resolves some of the issues with comparability seen in the stacked bar chart above, but is more visually crowded as the bars become thinner and harder to focus on. Stacked and clustered bar charts are also not a good choice when you wish to display the total of all categories alongside the individual groups. The inclusion of a separate bar for “All” in the two bar charts above can incorrectly imply to users that this is a third, distinct category.

When multiple categories are involved, it is best practice to use a line chart like the one on the right. In this chart, differences between categories and time points are easy to identify. The overall trends are clearly displayed and can be understood at a glance. Note that the lines have been labelled directly rather than with a legend: this is how line charts should be labelled (see communicating without colour for more information).

❌ To be avoided: using a clustered bar chart when there are many lines to display

Example 5: Annual unemployment rates by gender, UK, 2008 to 2024

A clustered bar chart with many bars, making individual lines thin and difficult to read

✔️ Best practice: using a line chart to clearly show trends over time for multiple groups

Example 6: Annual unemployment rates by gender, UK, 2008 to 2024

A line chart with 3 lines, clearly showing trends over time for each line

Weekly and quarterly time series data

Some types of time series data, especially health data, are often gathered and interpreted on a weekly or quarterly basis.

If you are using a bar chart to show quarterly data, you should not colour every bar according to quarter as this can be difficult to read.

One of the benefits of using week or quarter numbers is that it allows the same point in time to be compared across multiple years: for instance, comparing data from the most recent quarter with data from the same quarter last year. If you would like users to compare specific values in this way, this may be better achieved with plain text or a table than a chart. Government Analysis function guidance notes that “a well structured table can often be as powerful as a chart” in these situations, and that another option is to include both.

❌ To be avoided: using colours to indicate quarter number on a bar chart

Example 7: Quarterly survey respondents, England and Wales, 2022 to 2023

A single-category bar chart where a different colour is used for each bar

✔️ Best practice: label all quarters directly and use the same colour for each

Example 8: Quarterly survey respondents, England and Wales, 2022 to 2023

A single-category bar chart where each bar is the same colour

ISO weeks are a useful standardisation that allows data to be compared easily with previous years. However, many users may not be familiar with how to interpret week numbers, especially when data starts midway through a calendar year and/or covers multiple years. Therefore when displaying weekly data, it may be helpful to give a brief explanation of this measurement system, or replace the labels on your x-axis with calendar dates that correspond to the start of each week.

When showing weekly data, one option might be to include some calendar dates below the week numbers. To avoid clutter, you do not need to label every week number, but should at least label the beginning and end of the series.

❌ To be avoided: using only week numbers to indicate time

Example 9: weekly test positivity rates, UK, past 52 weeks (no calendar dates)

A line chart with ISO week numbers on the x-axis

✔️ Best practice: including month and year information

Example 10: weekly test positivity rates, UK, past 52 weeks (including calendar dates)

A line chart with dates on the x-axis

Guidance for all charts

All published charts must include the following:

See inside the expandable sections below for more information.


Bar charts are a good option to show data ranked in ascending or descending order. Always rank bars by value, unless there is a natural order, for example, age or time.

❌ To be avoided: showing un-ranked bars in a bar

Example 11: top 10 average recorded wingspan of British birds

A bar chart where bars are not in a sensible order

✔️ Best practice: show bars ranked in ascending or descending order

Example 12: top 10 average recorded wingspan of British birds, ranked

A bar chart where bars are ordered according to their value

Breaking the axis

“Breaking” an axis occurs when part of a continuous axis is left out. Rather than starting at 0, the axis may begin at a higher value, or it may begin at 0 but exclude a range of values that contain no data points.

This can be a useful way to compare categories that have very small differences between them. However, it is best practice in bar charts to avoid this for the y-axis. This is because the bars in a bar chart are intended to be proportional representations of the different categories.

❌ To be avoided: breaking the y-axis when using a bar chart

Example 13: Number of cases, UK, 2014 to 2024

A bar chart where the y-axis does not start at zero

✔️ Best practice: start the y-axis at zero in bar charts

Example 14: Number of cases, UK, 2014 to 2024

A bar chart where the y-axis starts at zero

Above, the bar chart on the left shows an example of a misleading break in the y-axis. In the bar chart on the right, best practice has been followed for formatting a y-axis that starts at 0.

If you need to break the y-axis, you should use a line chart, dot plot, or other alternative chart and indicate the break clearly on the chart by:

Axis breaks should only be used to show that the y-axis does not start at zero. Where you would like to display data points that contain an outlier, you should never break the axis halfway through.

Chart colours and text

The colours and formatting of a chart can make a significant difference in its legibility. To ensure your chart can be read and understood by as many people as possible, it is best practice to:

Using a suitable and accessible colour palette

It is an accessibility requirement that visual elements such as charts use colours that have a contrast ratio of at least 3:1 with their backgrounds. The WebAim site contains more information on this requirement and has a contrast checker you can use to make sure that your colours are appropriate.

It is best to:

Communicating without colour

It is an accessibility requirement that charts do not rely on colour alone to communicate. This means that charts should be just as easy to understand if they are displayed in greyscale as they are in full colour.

Example 15 below relies entirely on colour to communicate which line represents which category, presenting an accessibility issue. There is a particular issue here because the legend is not in the same order as the lines on the chart, which could be misleading. Example 16 instead has each line labelled directly in accordance with best practice accessibility standards.

It is possible to use different data marker shapes or textured lines such as dotted or dashed lines to distinguish between variables on a line chart. However, these also increase clutter and caution is advised in using them.

❌ To be avoided: relying on colour alone to distinguish categories

Example 15: Annual unemployment rates by gender, UK, 2008 to 2024

A line chart where each line is identified through the use of a coloured legend

✔️ Best practice: labelling the categories directly

Example 16: Annual unemployment rates by gender, UK, 2008 to 2024

A line chart where each line is directly labelled

You should not use patterns on chart bars to distinguish different categories as these can make charts very hard to read, especially at smaller sizes. Instead, stacked and clustered bar charts can include direct labels, or you can include a legend in the same order as the categories and add a note that you have done so.

❌ To be avoided: using patterns to distinguish categories on a bar chart

Example 17: Number of buyers of eight car models by age, UK, 2024

A bar chart where patterns have been applied to the bars

✔️ Best practice: using a legend in the same order as the categories

Example 18: Number of buyers of eight car models by age, UK, 2024

A bar chart where simple block colours have been applied to the bars

Text orientation

If your labels are too long to fit horizontally on the bottom of the chart, you should not tilt them diagonally or vertically to fit as this can be hard to read. For bar charts showing categorical data, a horizontal bar chart is often a good solution as it allows plenty of space for labels. When showing time series data, you do not need to include a label for every time point if there is not space.

❌ To be avoided: vertical text labels

Example 19: Market shares of four largest importers for a product, USA, 2024

A bar chart labelled using vertical text

✔️ Best practice: rotate chart (categorical data)

Example 20: Market shares of four largest importers for a product, USA, 2024

A bar chart labelled using horizontal text

Slanted text can pose a particular accessibility barrier for some users with visual impairments. It is therefore best to keep all text horizontal, including y-axis labels.

❌ To be avoided: slanted text labels

Example 21: Annual unemployment rate for females, UK, 2008 to 2024

A line chart with slanted x-axis labels

✔️ Best practice: omit some labels and rotate text

Example 22: Annual unemployment rate for females, UK, 2008 to 2024

A line chart with horiztonal x-axis labels


A publication is easier for users to understand when all charts take a consistent approach to data visualisation. Following these steps will allow readers to spend less time trying to understand how to go about interpreting each chart and more time focusing on what the intended message is. Accordingly:


In general, the GOV.UK standard is to use simple language and avoid unnecessary complexity. In fact, it has been shown that even users with a high degree of specialist understanding appreciate simple writing that allows them to process information as quickly as possible (see the writing for GOV.UK guidance).

Of course, it is often necessary to write about specialist topics in a way that requires more difficult language. Any technical or specialist elements on your chart should be explained in some way. It is important to consider your users and their understanding of the subject matter to decide how much explanation is needed.

Even if you believe that a publication will primarily be of interest to specialists, releasing it to the public means that it is available to users from a wide range of backgrounds. Even users who are not experts in the subject matter should still be able to understand the main points of your data visualisations. You should explain:

How to reduce clutter in charts

It can be tempting to try to fit as much information as possible onto one set of axes. However, a very busy chart risks telling the wrong story to your users or confusing them. A helpful rule of thumb is “If you cannot write down the message your chart is giving in a few sentences, you should think again about the chart you have chosen.”

Best practice for avoiding chart clutter includes:

One chart, one set of axes

Charts should only have one x-axis and one y-axis.

Using two different scales of measurement on one chart can easily over-emphasise or mask the relationship between variables and can make your chart cluttered. The Government Analysis Function have provided a useful demonstration of this risk, showing how dual y-axes can be manipulated to show almost any relationship between two variables (see the “manipulation example” section here).

Similarly, it is usually best to use only one type of chart on each set of axes. If you wish to show how two variables with different scales or units of measurement change in tandem with each other, a good option is simply to put them on two side-by-side or stacked charts.

❌ To be avoided: two sets of axes on a chart

Example 23: Annual unemployment rate and number unemployed, UK, 2008 to 2024

A chart with 2 y-axes, showing both a bar chart and a line chart on the same image

✔️ Best practice: side by side charts

Example 24a: Number unemployed in the UK, 2005 to 2021

A side by side chart: this image shows a bar chart, the next shows a line chart

✔️ Best practice: side by side charts

Example 24b: Annual unemployment rate in the UK, 2005 to 2021

A side by side chart: this image shows a line chart, the previous shows a bar chart

Minimising colours and distractions

Shading, borders, textures, and unnecessary embellishments should be avoided. Bar charts do not need to have borders around each bar and patterns should not be used to distinguish between bars. Bar charts which are not stacked or clustered should not have bars in different colours as this does not aid in chart interpretation but can be visually distracting.

❌ To be avoided: different colours for each bar

Example 25: Population growth of different towns, South West England, 2000 to 2020

A single-category bar chart where each bar is a different colour

✔️ Best practice: only use different colours if absolutely necessary

Example 26: Population growth of different towns, South West England, 2000 to 2020

A single-category bar chart where each bar is the same colour

Limiting the number of categories

If multiple variables or categories of a single variable are measured on the same scale, a chart can be a useful way of comparing between them. However, as the number of variables on a single chart increases, charts can easily become cluttered and hard to read. Presenting more than four lines on a line chart can be done, but it often results in the chart becoming too cluttered, so we advise that charts should not contain more than four categories unless there is a clear statistical justification. This is best practice for all types of charts, including line charts, stacked bar charts, and clustered bar charts.

❌ To be avoided: crowded line charts with more than four different lines

Example 27: Daily test positivity rates in June for an infectious disease, UK, 2019 to 2024

A line chart with 6 different overlapping lines

✔️ Best practice: using a small multiples chart

Example 28: Daily test positivity rates in June for an infectious disease, UK, 2019 to 2024

A small multiples plot, showing each line on a separate panel

Focus charts

Where you would like to call attention to one category, for instance when you are comparing data from the current year to data from previous years, you can use a “focus chart” where one line is a different colour to the rest. In this case, you can include more than four lines on your chart, but they should be noticeably lighter than the “focus” line, for instance a light grey, and still should be labelled.

✔️ Best practice: using a focus chart to call attention to one category

Example 29: Daily test positivity rates in June for an infectious disease, UK, 2019 to 2024

A focus chart where one line is in bold and the other lines are in a lighter grey colour in the background

The chart above shows a good way to highlight the most recent year in a multi-year time series. However, with an increasing number of lines, there will be more overlap and so it will become harder to distinguish the individual lines in grey. There is no fixed maximum number of lines in a focus chart, but you should make sure that the main message of the chart is still easily communicated.

Alternatively, you can combine small multiples and focus charts into one, showing the focal category in one colour and the other categories in a different colour.

✔️ Best practice: combing small multiples and focus charts to call attention to one category

Example 30: Rate of new infections, UK, 2018 to 2024

A series of focus charts where one line is in bold and the other lines are in a lighter grey colour in the background. Each panel is used to highlight a different line.

Maps and geography standards

The Analysis Function have produced a ‘How To Make A Good Map’ e-learning course which introduces the most common types of maps used to present statistics, and provides guidance on what to think about when making a statistical map.

The Office for National Statistics have also produced guidance to provide the recommended presentation order for standard geographies. This is so that Official Statistics are geographically comparable, consistent and fit for purpose.


  1. Government Analysis Function: data visualisation: charts
  2. Government Analysis Function: data visualisation: tables
  3. Government Analysis Function: data visualisation: colours
  4. Government Analysis Function: Making charts accessible – material, links and answers to questions from dataConnect22 session
  5. Government Digital Service: Content design: planning, writing and managing content
  6. The Office for National Statistics: Service Manual: Data visualisation
  7. The Office for Statistics Regulation: Approaches to presenting uncertainty in the statistical system